Friday, August 31, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 31

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 30

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

St. Andrew's United Methodist Church

A Memorable Visit

The visit of 3 1/2 days at St. Andrews will be remembered as days of great hospitality and the congregation's vigorous outreach. St. Andrew's has a number of programs to reach the community through evangelism, children's and youth ministries, support groups, and daily opportunities for Bible studies, prayer meetings and worship services.

There are 14 different groups of all ages. Among them are the United Methodist Men, 88 members; the United Methodist Women, 300 members; and 500 teens in the United Methodist Youth Fellowship.

This group is a portion of the Children's Choir that sings to the
nearly 200 members of Junior Church. Junior church meets
for Christian Education an hour during the 2 1/2 hour
Sunday worship service.

The Chimberengwa Family: (seated from left): Pastor Joseph and
wife Urita, holding four-month old son Rukudzo, Urita's mother, and
sons Tariro, 14 and Tinashe, 13. Pictured with the Chimberengwa family
are two nieces with Jannet Mandaza (chairperson of the Staff Parish
Relations Committee) between them. The photo was taken in the
parsonage living room.

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 29

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 28

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 27

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Preaching at St. Andrew's United Methodist Church, Chitungwiza, Harare, Zimbabwe

A photo from the back of the choir shows a congregation of nearly 600 people.  I am speaking at the right edge of the picture. The church's pastor (in the white clergy alb), the Rev. Joseph Chimberengwa is serving as translator.

Presentation of gifts to St. Andrew's congregation

Held up by two lay leaders, a wall banner and a monetary gift from the Park Forest Village United Methodist Church are presented to the  congregation.  From left to right are the Rev. Joseph Chimberengwa, pastor; the Rev. Portia Kanoyangwa, District Superintendent; the District Lay Leader; St. Andrews's Lay Leaders, and me - a very joyous moment!

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 26

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.