Saturday, August 25, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 25

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 24

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 23

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 22

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Blessings by different types of kids…

The Precious Gems Choir presents their Sunday anthem before leaving
for Sunday School, and the adults stay for the second hour of worship.

The teens form a second choir and sang two anthems. One of the youths was liturgist, another was a translator, and yet another gave the first Sunday message. Notice the preschooler’s imitation.

I provided the second message with Oscar, administrator of the Urukundo Home assisting as translator, and together we served Holy Communion to nearly 90 people present in the Hope House. Here we share a laugh over a difficult word for interpretation.
The goats are enjoying the new manger built by four members of the mission
team. This photo was taken after the capture of two kids that scooted out even
when the pen’s gate was carefully opened! Everyone was winded except the
goats, just like the other kids, the preschoolers!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 21

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 20

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 19

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.