Thursday, September 6, 2012

Love Kindness and Do Justice

Thank you for your companionship on God’s path of righteousness with your thoughts and prayers while the mission team travelled to the Urukundo Home for Children in Rwanda, August 13-23, and when I visited my congregation’s sister church, St. Andrews United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe, August 24-28.

I saw God’s love and mercy expressed in a multitude of ways:
  • giving comfort to a family whose loved one was dying of AIDS;
  • concreting a dirt floor in a teen-led household;
  • holding a two-year-old child who was left to die in an abandoned house;
  • touching the stone containment tank of chlorinated water that quenched the thirst of a village;
  • comprehending the factors that lead to the Rwandan genocide of 1994 and the efforts to bring about healing to the country;
  • helping toddlers piece together a puzzle on the floor of Hope House;
  • and preaching to a congregation of 600 people with the aid of a translator.

Your prayers sustained the members of the mission team as we endeavored to walk God’s path of righteousness and help people experience God’s comfort, peace, and hope. Now your prayers will help the members of the mission team to integrate the experiences within their own lives, and to help tell the story so others can be inspired to love kindness and do justice within their spheres of influence.

God bless you!

With much gratitude,
Lee Ellenberger

Friday, August 31, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 31

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 30

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

St. Andrew's United Methodist Church

A Memorable Visit

The visit of 3 1/2 days at St. Andrews will be remembered as days of great hospitality and the congregation's vigorous outreach. St. Andrew's has a number of programs to reach the community through evangelism, children's and youth ministries, support groups, and daily opportunities for Bible studies, prayer meetings and worship services.

There are 14 different groups of all ages. Among them are the United Methodist Men, 88 members; the United Methodist Women, 300 members; and 500 teens in the United Methodist Youth Fellowship.

This group is a portion of the Children's Choir that sings to the
nearly 200 members of Junior Church. Junior church meets
for Christian Education an hour during the 2 1/2 hour
Sunday worship service.

The Chimberengwa Family: (seated from left): Pastor Joseph and
wife Urita, holding four-month old son Rukudzo, Urita's mother, and
sons Tariro, 14 and Tinashe, 13. Pictured with the Chimberengwa family
are two nieces with Jannet Mandaza (chairperson of the Staff Parish
Relations Committee) between them. The photo was taken in the
parsonage living room.

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 29

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 28

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 27

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Preaching at St. Andrew's United Methodist Church, Chitungwiza, Harare, Zimbabwe

A photo from the back of the choir shows a congregation of nearly 600 people.  I am speaking at the right edge of the picture. The church's pastor (in the white clergy alb), the Rev. Joseph Chimberengwa is serving as translator.

Presentation of gifts to St. Andrew's congregation

Held up by two lay leaders, a wall banner and a monetary gift from the Park Forest Village United Methodist Church are presented to the  congregation.  From left to right are the Rev. Joseph Chimberengwa, pastor; the Rev. Portia Kanoyangwa, District Superintendent; the District Lay Leader; St. Andrews's Lay Leaders, and me - a very joyous moment!

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 26

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 25

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 24

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 23

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 22

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Blessings by different types of kids…

The Precious Gems Choir presents their Sunday anthem before leaving
for Sunday School, and the adults stay for the second hour of worship.

The teens form a second choir and sang two anthems. One of the youths was liturgist, another was a translator, and yet another gave the first Sunday message. Notice the preschooler’s imitation.

I provided the second message with Oscar, administrator of the Urukundo Home assisting as translator, and together we served Holy Communion to nearly 90 people present in the Hope House. Here we share a laugh over a difficult word for interpretation.
The goats are enjoying the new manger built by four members of the mission
team. This photo was taken after the capture of two kids that scooted out even
when the pen’s gate was carefully opened! Everyone was winded except the
goats, just like the other kids, the preschoolers!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 21

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 20

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 19

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Celebration of Life!

Once a month, birthdays are celebrated for those born in that month. 

    Today the mission team was invited to attend two parties – one for the teenagers and one for the younger children. Treats of soft drink and pastries were passed around. 
    And to crown the celebration was the singing of happy birthday around a candle-lit birthday cake. The festivities concluded with games for the children and a dance for the teenagers. 

Mama Arlene (in the long yellow dress) was aglow with joy being among her children

Truly, this is celebration of life for those who would otherwise be destitute. Urukundo Home is a family, centered around the love of God.

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 18

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Blessings abound, but electricity erratic
Below is a photo of me spending time on Thursday morning with the pre-school children during their ‘activity’ period around 10 am. (When are preschoolers not active?) The children, aging from 2 to 6 years old enjoyed nearly two hours of putting age-appropriate puzzles together, constructing items from Lego’s, and crayoning coloring books. Of course, there is the usual refereeing between bruised egos and comforting those who stubbed their toes or pinched their fingers. The children are like sponges – they absorb any amount of attention that is given them.
In the afternoon I was invited to speak to the ‘English as a Second Language’ class offered to adults from the community. The ages of the students ranged from young ‘mamas’ in their late teens, carrying their infants strapped to their backs, to those who looked to be 75 years old but the oldest in the class was 58 years old. After a time of repeating the alphabet and counting to 100 a number of times, the teacher led her class into the theme of the day, learning to say two things: “I am ___ years old. How old are you?” and “Hi. My name is ______. I would like you to meet my friend________.” With Vincent (who was with us last spring in State College) as my translator, and following the subject of ‘numbers,’ I introduced myself, gave my age, and the number of years Debby and I were married, the number of books in the Bible, etc. Vincent suggested that I show on a huge floor to ceiling map of the world where I lived and the route I traveled to get here. Then there was a question and answer time. This was rather a fun time given that I was not sure what I was getting into and not sure what I was going to say until the moment arrived!
The original intention was to keep this blog current with daily posts with photos. However, the reality of limited Internet access and erratic electrical power has necessitated a change of plans. Thus this is a longer posting than usual, taking advantage of the availability of power while it lasts.
I encourage you to click on (or go to) for additional photos and commentary. Carol,our team leader, keeps late hours meeting publication deadlines. 
Urukundo Home founder, Arlene Brown sends her greetings and expressions of much appreciation for the funding of the water project and other expressions of support. I am an eyewitness to the difference we are helping her achieve in the lives of the children and in the community as a whole. God’s will of righteousness is being accomplished here.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 17

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Long but smooth flights…

I met team member Dave Howell of St. Paul’s UMC, State College, a couple of hours before we departed from Dulles Airport, Washington DC. We arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 13 hours later, and then had lunch while we waited in the lounge for another two hours. Then... we departed for a two hour flight to Kigali, Rwanda, stopping on the way to let some passengers off at Entebbe, Uganda. Then… another hour by SUV to Urukundo Home – very tired but also very happy to have arrived safely at noon and joined the other five members of the team. To drive in Kigali one needs three hands – one for steering, one for shifting, and one for beeping the horn! Your prayers are effective!! 
Below is a photo of neighboring village children getting water from one of the spigots of the water delivery system my congregation, Park Forest Village UMC, funded.

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 16

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 15

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Preparations and Travel

Pastor Lee is commissioned for the Rwanda-Zimbabwe Mission Trip August 12, 2012 by the congregation led by Glenn Mower, Pastor Emeritus, and surrounded by the children and youth.

Pastor Lee at the airport on Monday, August 13, 2012 departing for Rwanda.

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 14

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 13

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 12

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 11

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 10

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Packing in Progress!

Only four days to go.

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 9

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 8

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 7

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 6th

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Today's Prayer Emphasis: August 5th

Please keep the Mission Trip participants, and the people they will be visiting, in your prayers. Each day, an excerpt from scripture and a different prayer topic related to our journey will be posted here.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A project for the Mission Team’s involvement

The beginnings of the primary school at Urukundo Home, Rwanda. The Mission Team will most likely assist in its construction August 13 - 22.
  This photo was taken on August 1, 2012.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Introduction to Zimbabwe and St. Andrews United Methodist Church

Zimbabwe is a landlocked country surrounded by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the southwest, Zambia to the northwest, and Mozambique to the east and north. Additional facts can be found at Zimbabwe-CIA-The World Factbook.

For nearly 15 years the Park Forest Village United Methodist Church, State College, PA has had a sister-church relationship with St. Andrews, arranged through the General Board of Global Ministries. This association has grown over the years through correspondence and reciprocated visits. We also collect an annual offering towards St. Andrews medical aid fund.

   St. Andrew's is part of the Seke North Circuit (20 Miles from Harare),
Chitungwiza-Marondera District,
Zimbabwe East Conference, United Methodist Church


Below, their pastor, the Rev. Joseph Chimberengwa, points to St. Andrews UMC's ministries in photos. In a July 16 email he wrote: We are looking forward for you to teach on the following a) the role of small groups in church growth, b) it will be good to us if you could preach to us two sermons, and c) equipping children’s ministries teachers. We are going to show you how we conduct our services and our mission areas and activities from our junior church. All in three days, August 24-27! Your prayers are crucial!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Background information about the Urukundo Home for Children…

The Home is located in Binunga village, the Cyeza Sector of Muhanga District, about 30 miles west of the capital city of Kigali, Rwanda (towards Gitarama in the map below).

Urukundo Home for Children was started in May of 2006 by Arlene Brown of Williamsport, PA, a woman with a vision of what could be, with God’s help. It began in a rented house with one abandoned little girl, a mama, a guard and a desire to make a difference in the lives of orphaned and abandoned children. In six years it has grown to become a family with 43 children ranging from 6 months to 18 years.

Over those years organizations throughout the world have supported “Mama Arlene” in developing a place for the physical and spiritual welfare of children and have provided the means to improve the conditions of those living in the surrounding community. For instance, the congregation I pastor, the Park Forest Village United Methodist Church of State College, PA, was instrumental in providing financial backing for a water-delivery project. Solar powered pumps, provided by the Rotary Foundation, now bring 8,800 gallons of water per day from a spring at the bottom of the mountain to several faucets along the road where women and children can tap closer to home, leaving more time for family and school.

Opening the spigot and feeling the splash of water from a system that my congregation helped to provide is one of my personal goals when I visit the Urukundo Home for Children the week of August 13 as a member of the mission team.